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Mallory Rae is a writer hailing from the Yellow Rose of Texas. She resides in Amarillo with her husband, kids, beagle, and chickens. With a writing career spanning fifteen years, Mallory has lent her literary talents to a diverse array of projects, crafting words for others' needs.

However, it was in September of 2023 that Mallory's own voice came to life with the publication of her debut novel, "Duck Dive." This novel, a testament to her creative journey and personal growth, captures the essence of her unique storytelling style.

Mallory's writing reflects her Texas roots and her California branches. Mallory’s stories are marked by a down-to-earth sincerity and a knack for evoking genuine emotions in her readers. Her work weaves together the magical and the real, the impossible and the every day.

When she's not immersed in the world of words, Mallory is hanging out with her family and friends, walking around town, and trying to grow stuff. Her decision to embark on her own writing journey was a turning point that allowed her to finally share the stories she needed to tell.